New DIgSILENT GridCode version 2.3 is released!
Publicado el 5 de Mayo de 2016

DIgSILENT has released DIgSILENT GridCode version 2.3 with new features and enhancements related to the analysis of compliance with Grid Code requirements of conventional and renewable power plants among which we can highlight:
- On-line monitoring system.
- New model validation method FGW TR4 Rev8, according to version 01.03.2016.
- Update of the model validation method IEC-61400-27-1 Ed.1, according to version 31.07.2013.
- Update of the model validation method FGW TR4 Rev6, according to version dated 01.05.2013:
- Modification of balanced/unbalanced event detection.
- New table with limits for unbalanced error calculation in zones.
- Update of Prony Analysis (Australian GC):
- New faster calculation function: Prony Reduced.
- New selection of the reference step.
- Enhancements on the event selection window.
- Update of the UK NGC Grid Code, Issue 5 Revision 15, 3rd February 2016 (corrected 16th March 2016).
- New file format: FAMOS
- Improvements in user error debugging: warnings when a series is missing, automatic template pop-ups management, etc.
The DIgSILENT GridCode demo version can be requested here.