DIgSILENT GridCode 2.3: New on-line monitoring

DIgSILENT has released DIgSILENT GridCode version 2.3 with new features and enhancements among which we would like to highlight the ON-LINE Compliance Monitoring System.
There is a new trend towards verification of requirements at the point of interconnection by permanent monitoring. Often, the registered data are simply stored, never used or analyzed or worse, they are kept in the monitoring device until overwritten by new ones.
DIgSILENT GridCode 2.3 can now be integrated into existing monitoring systems to offer added value in post-processing the registered events automatically and report the compliance to the person in charge.
Huge benefits can then be extracted for network operation and planning, not only in a point-to-point analysis but, as the results are stored in a database, important systemic and statistic results can be highlighted.
Access to results and reports are very easy via a web interface; Email alarms can be sent in case of no compliance or important event.
Further information is available here.