What's new in GCDB (Grid Code DataBase)
Publicado el 8 de Mayo de 2014

Our tracking task is going on...
Worldwide regulatory changes are being tracked and updated into our special Web Application for Grid Codes. Requirements for the connection of conventional and renewable generators are dynamic, permanently under revision. National regulatory bodies are drafting new versions or even new documents. We are keeping an eye on these changes to complete a very extensive database covering as much as requirements as possible. The latests updates are listed here below:
- Australia: “National Electricity Rules Version 62”. April 2014.
- Chile: “Norma técnica de seguridad y calidad de servicio”. April 2014.
- Holanda: “Netcode Elektriciteit” March 2014.
- Indonesia: “Aturan jaringan sistem tenaga listrik Jawa-Madura-Bali”. March 2007.
- Ireland: “EirGrid GridCode Version 4”. December 2011.
- Japan - Shikoku: “The internal rules on fair operation of wind energy.” April 2005.
- Japan - Chugoku: “Technical Requirements Chugoku Electric Power Corporation” July 2013.
- New Zealand: “Connecting and Dispatching new generation in New Zealand”. June 2007.
- United Kingdom:
- The Grid Code (Issue 5, revision 7). March 2014.
- “Engineering Recommendation G5/4 (2001)”. February 2001.
- “Engineering Recommendation G5/5 – DRAFT”. November 2012.