DIgSILENT at the 2014 IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition (CHICAGO)

The 2014 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exposition has taken place in Chicago. This year, the event had a very special scope: celebrating their 50th Anniversary! Three experts from the DIgSILENT Group were there, revealing the new version of DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.1, its broad range of new electrical models and extensions, variable loads models, distributed generation models such as PV, fuel cells, wind generation and battery storage. PowerFactory is perfectly suited for network planning and operation studies of increasingly Smart Grids.
A PF Monitor unit was presented in our booth. The PowerFactory Monitor (PFM) is a multi-functional Dynamic System Monitor which fully integrates with DIgSILENT PowerFactory software. The PFM features grid and plant monitoring, fault recording, grid characteristics analysis, easy access to recorded data, analysis of trends, verification of system upset responses and test results.
Our three experts enjoyed the event and assisted many people interested in our products visiting our booth. Xavier took some pictures during the Opening Reception at the Museum of Science and Industry. During the Opening Reception they enjoyed food, drinks and good music. A few people danced the night away, missing part of the Opening Session the day after ;). Fortunately, our experts do not like dancing too much. Check the picture taken at the booth, from the left side: Koos Theron (DIgSILENT Pacific Pty Ltd), Xavier Robe (DIgSILENT Ibérica SL) and Stefan Weigel (DIgSILENT GmbH).
Thank you for visiting our booth!