Quasi-Dynamic Harmonic Load Flow
Publicado el 25 de Marzo de 2019
DIgSILENT PowerFactory includes the Quasi-Dynamic Simulation toolbox, a dedicated time-varying load flow calculation tool that can be used for medium to long term simulation studies. This tool completes a series of load flow simulations spaced in time, with the user given the flexibility to select the simulation period and the simulation step size. To achieve this, the Quasi-Dynamic Simulation makes use of time-based parameter characteristics, variations and expansion stages, planned outages, simulation events and user defined time-dependent models.
Now, using the powerful DPL scripting capabilities, we have implemented the QUASI-DYNAMIC HARMONIC LOAD FLOW. This tool allows the end-user to execute a time-varying harmonic load flow calculation. DIgSILENT PowerFactory’s harmonic load flow calculates harmonic indices related to voltage or current distortion, and harmonic losses caused by harmonic sources. Harmonic sources can be defined by either a harmonic current spectrum or a harmonic voltage spectrum. Now, in combination with loads or generators characteristics, the harmonic load flow can be calculated at different moments in time and different operating points.
Follow the next steps to test the DPL script:
- Download the DIgSILENT PowerFactory project file that can be found HERE.
- Import the project file into DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2019.
- Activate the project “Railway Systems – QDHldf”
- Activate the study case “Study DC Subway System_QDHldf”
- Select different AC busbars in the system, right-click --> Execute Script
- Select the script from the project library, initial time, end time and step.
- Check results.