CIGRE B4.72 meeting in Cardiff, UK

The 5th CIGRE B4.72 meeting took place in Cardiff, United Kingdom between the 8th and 9th February 2018. The meeting was hosted by Cardiff University in the Queen’s Buildings, at the School of Engineering.
The scope of the 5th meeting of this Working group was to present the current status of the Technical Brochure entitled "DC grid benchmark models for system studies", along with discussion of some of the chapters’ contents.
During the event DIgSILENT Ibérica presented the DIgSILENT PowerFactory project files representing most of the topologies under discussion. For load flow studies and contingency analysis:
- Models versions 2017.04.18: Topologies SBM1, SBM2, SBM3, SBM4, SBM5 and SBM6
- Models versions 2018.01.23: Topologies BM1, BM2, BM3, BM4 and BM6
It has been two days of intense work for everybody in the meeting. The event finished with a nice team dinner, offered by Cardiff University in Valentino’s Cardiff restaurant, where the team could enjoy a very nice special meal.
From DIgSILENT Ibérica we would like to acknowledge all the efforts to organize and host such a wonderful meeting.