DIgSILENT GridCode 2.2 released
Publicado el 8 de Octubre de 2013

DIgSILENT has released GridCode version 2.2 with new features and enhancements related to the analysis of compliance with Grid Code requirements of conventional and renewable power plants. Key features of DIgSILENT GridCode 2.2 are:
Support of new Grid Codes and analysis functions:
- Modification of German and Chinese model validation methods: steady-state and transient zones are calculated automatically.
- Identification of oscillation modes using Prony analysis.
- New algorithms are implemented according to the Australian model validation method.
- New step detection algorithms and analysis: rising time, settling time and control system response.
Other features:
- New import/export functions to exchange configuration data.
- Changes in the "File Merge" tool to merge files at different sampling rates.
Further information on this product is available here: