CENELEC CLC/TC8X/WG06 meeting at VDE in Frankfurt

So far, HVDC links have been designed individually according to the specific requirements of TSOs. The solutions of individual manufacturers differ significantly and cannot be combined easily today. HVDC Grid Systems will be built in steps, starting with a small number of interconnected stations with the possibility of future system expansion and interconnection. They will involve different TSOs and different HVDC manufacturers. This close future requires efficient coordination of design, operation, control and regulation between the connected AC and DC systems.
The objective of this working group (WG06) is to describe the basic principles of HVDC Grids with the focus on near term applications, to develop functional specifications of the main equipment and controls, guidelines and a set of parameters to be used in a multi-vendor environment. A first draft has been circulated as TC8X/Sec0140/DC and TC8X/Sec0141/DC.
More information about the working group activities can be downloaded here, presented during the Best Paths Event that took place in Paris last November 2015.